Communities management
October 18th, 2023

Unlock the Secrets: 9 Employee Engagement Stats to Know

by juliec

In the multifaceted world of employee engagement, an understanding of appreciation, recognition, feedback, and career development proves crucial for sustained organizational prosperity.

For internal communications, navigating through the employee sentiment and ensuring robust communication strategies has never been more pivotal. Here are data points and insights that are important to consider.


Appreciation and recognition within the workplace stand as pivotal elements, intricately weaving through the fabric of employee engagement and satisfaction. When employees feel valued for their contributions and efforts, a myriad of positive outcomes unfold—enhanced morale, heightened productivity, and a fortified sense of loyalty towards the organization.

  • 79% of employees quit their jobs due to a lack of appreciation

According to O.C. Tanner's Global Culture Report, the lack of appreciation is a key reason for leaving their current job. It underscores the gravity of this sentiment, revealing that a substantial 79% of employees who voluntarily depart from their jobs pinpoint a lack of appreciation as a principal reason for their resignation.

  • 4x the average profit and 2x the average revenue

The Harvard Business Review underline the result of organizations that invest in an enriching employee experience. They bring in a remarkable financial rewards, experiencing 4x the average profit and doubling the average revenue. This correlation highlight the potent impact of a dynamic work environment on financial performance.

  • 31% lower voluntary turnover

A study conducted by Bersin & Associates, revealing that companies executing recognition programs with high efficacy in enhancing employee engagement experience a substantial 31% lower voluntary turnover. This statistic not only show the direct association between employee acknowledgment and retention but also affirms that the strategic incorporation of effective recognition programs within an organization’s operational fabric can demonstrably bolster its capability to retain talent.


Focusing on feedback within the realm of internal communications is essential to ensure that the communications strategy is resonant and effective.

Feedback, in the form of recognitions communicated organization-wide, can thus drive enhanced employee performance and engagement.

  • 73% of workers want more feedback and recognition

In a telling survey from Business Wire, a substantial 73% of workers expressed a desire for increased feedback and recognition from their management. This sentiment is not just a nicety but a necessity in fostering a workplace environment where employees feel valued.

Etablishing a robust internal communication system where appreciation is not merely incidental but ingrained, organizations can effectively boost morale, productivity, and retain pivotal talent by ensuring that their contributions are consistently and meaningfully acknowledged.

  • Innovation 3.6x with Proactive Employee Feedback

A compelling study by Medallia reveals that companies proactively engaging in the solicitation and utilization of employee feedback experience a staggering 3.6 times surge in their innovation levels compared to their counterparts who do not leverage feedback similarly.

  • 69% of employees can work harder if efforts are better recognized

The direct impact of recognition on employee effort is notably significant, as illuminated by a survey from HubSpot, revealing that a substantial 69% of employees attest they would amplify their work effort if their endeavors were more aptly acknowledged.

The frequent recognition in the work environment, not merely as a tool for boosting morale but also as a fundamental driver in enhancing overall workforce productivity and dedication


  • 36% of employees leave their jobs due to a lack of career growth

A significant 36% of employees reportedly exit their positions due to a perceived lack of career growth, according to the 2023 report by Leapsome. This pivotal data sheds light on the profound impact that career development opportunities, or the lack thereof, can exert on employee retention and organizational stability.

Companies striving to retain talent and foster a vibrant, committed workforce must therefore pivot towards constructing robust career advancement pathways, providing clear progression trajectories and developmental opportunities;

  • 94% of employees would stay longer if they can learn and develop skills

LinkedIn's 2019 Workforce Learning Report unveiled a compelling statistic: 94% of employees would stay in their company longer if it invested in their development and learning.

This statistic sends a clear message to companies about the importance of offering opportunities for growth and learning to their staff. Simple yet effective learning and development programs can keep teams engaged, help them advance their skills, and significantly reduce staff turnover. Companies need to communicate these opportunities clearly and regularly through effective internal communications, ensuring employees are aware and can take advantage of them, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and loyalty.

  • 80% of employees are more engaged when opportunities are proposed

A significant 80% of employees conveyed that access to learning and development opportunities would heighten their engagement at work, according to a study by Udemy.

This poignant data spotlights the intrinsic link between an employee’s access to growth opportunities and their level of engagement and satisfaction within the workplace.

By embracing a culture that prioritizes continuous learning, organizations are not only investing in the skill enhancement of their workforce but are also fortifying their internal engagement levels.


These data tell a clear directive for internal communications: forging an environment rich in appreciation, recognition, and development opportunities is non-negotiable for organizational success.

The link between employee experience and indicators like retention, innovation, and productivity cannot be overstated. Therefore, implementing communication strategies that genuinely resonate and address the multifaceted needs and wants of the workforce becomes an imperative.

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