Grytics New Features 2023
Communities management
December 21st, 2023

2023 Grytics Features Highlights

by Justine

Welcome to Grytics' 2023 Innovations! In this post, we'll explore our latest features, each designed to enhance and revolutionize your experience. Get ready to be inspired by the significant advancements we've made this year!

Grytics Custom Dashboard

The Custom Dashboard lets users create a tailored dashboard, selecting and visualizing key metrics aligned with their business goals, giving them control over their data analytics experience.

πŸ‘‰ The Custom Dashboard offers users personalized data views tailored to their roles and objectives, enabling swift access to critical insights. This focused approach streamlines data-driven decision-making centralizes monitoring efforts, and promotes more effective strategies and collaboration within their groups or internal social networks.

New Grytics Interface

The revamped Grytics interface represents a significant upgrade, featuring an attractive design that goes hand in hand with an improved user experience. This transformation not only elevates the platform's visual appeal but also enhances its overall usability.

πŸ‘‰ Enhancing Grytics' overall usability and visual appeal, the platform becomes notably more user-friendly and engaging. These improvements transform the interface into a more visually appealing one, simplifying navigation and ultimately creating a more enjoyable and productive user experience.

New Public API

Introduces a public API for Grytics, enabling integration with other tools and systems.

πŸ‘‰ Opens up possibilities for custom data analysis, automation, and third-party integrations, enhancing the flexibility and functionality of Grytics.

Access to Auto Quarterly and Annual Reports

Allows users to access automated quarterly and annual reports to monitor group performance over time.

πŸ‘‰ Provides a long-term perspective on group dynamics, helping users identify trends and make informed strategic decisions.

Search for Mailing Lists in Report

You can now easily search and select mailing lists when creating your reports.

πŸ‘‰ Streamlines the report creation process by making it quicker and more convenient to find and select specific mailing lists.

Total Number of Views on Executive Summary

Displays the total number of views on the Executive Summary page.

πŸ‘‰ Offers visibility into the reach and impact on the Executive Summary, helping users gauge the effectiveness of their content.

Bulk Tag Feature for Search

Enables users to apply tags to multiple items in bulk during the search process.

πŸ‘‰ Saves time and effort by simplifying the organization and categorization of data within Grytics.

Increased Word Limit for Clouds

Increases the word limit for word clouds to accommodate up to 400 words for richer visual analysis.

πŸ‘‰ Enhances the depth of textual analysis, allowing users to gain more insights from word cloud representations.

Expanded Fields in Posts List Exports

Expands the data available in exported Posts Lists to include group privacy, position, and department details.

πŸ‘‰ Offers more comprehensive data for in-depth analysis and insights for the posts.

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